Q001 Panama 1671 (4Play Scenario Pack)
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This PDF presents three scenarios written for use with Beneath the Lily Banners and Donnybrook (though is easily adapted to other rules for the period) based on Captain Henry Morgan's invasion of Panama in 1671—The final assault on San Lorenzo, a desperate skirmish in the jungle, and the climactic battle before the walls of Panama!
The 4Play concept is designed to achieve multiple objectives for the wargamer. First and foremost, it aims to be entertaining. In a series of small, quick games, players can grab an hour and complete a single mission or, completing two or three scenarios makes for an enjoyable afternoon or evening. By working with a limited number of units in a fixed number of turns, decisions must be made and a result achieved. Each scenario pack serves as a low-risk introduction to aspects of the period, or if new to late 17th/early 18th century gaming, a window into a truly fascinating opportunity. Most games are played on a 24x24 inch table with four units per side.
Each 4Play scenario pack follows the same layout. The historical background links the real events to the gaming table. It also offers a clear connection between the different scenarios and the possibility of playing them sequentially will added to the fun.
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For more 4Play scenarios, including Beneath the Lily Banners, Donnybrook, and Mad for War, check out the League of Augsburg shop!