1,000,000 up Thank you!

We are still marching forward and relentless

Let's start this Saturday with a BIG THANKS to all followers and visitors to our modest blog! We have today exceeded our millionth page view.

At recent events where the League of Augsburg has had representation we've noticed an increasing tendency for people to comment on how much they enjoy the blog. These comments are almost always qualified with detail about what is useful or provocative. This is helpful as it allows us to point content where it will make the most positive contribution for those interested in visiting.

Flying the flag for the period

There has never been a temptation from our perspective to weaken the look by allowing pop up advertising which can be extremely distracting. We also took seriously the comments from followers that we should not broaden the wargaming focus to other periods in which we have an interest.

We'll always have a spot to slip in the odd bit of out of period work - Russian Crimean Naval infantry

At the time of that discussion I admit to privately having misgivings about not expanding the spectrum out but as the dust has settled I believe we made the right decision for followers and us. Keep it centred in the 1660-1721 zone with the occasional amble down another byway.

Service will I hope be resumed quicker than Northern Rail!

Late May and June is proving challenging from a contribution standpoint as I have five weeks of continuous work travel commitments with only the odd day back home to kick the cat, change my smalls and remind my family not to offer the postman the opportunity to move in.

There is however lots going on behind the scenes so to keep you in the picture here's a little taste:

These Ottomans will be exciting!

Warfare Miniatures is moving casting supplier after six years. We are centering our production in Nottingham which acts like a Death Star in attracting wargaming businesses to it using powerful tractor beams and mind control! That move will be completed by the end of June. Clearly, with 300+ moulds to shift and get used to our new production partner may take a little while to become familiar with the dark arts of our moulds. Fear not. I have stocked up on many popular items in advance. This is a good move for us as our new partner is Northstar whose owner Nick Eyre is to my mind one of the most professional chaps in the entire hobby and a jolly nice bloke too. We very much look forward to working with his team.

Clib is busy on these

This disruptive changeover may also explain the unacceptable (my word not yours) wait that a few customers have had to endure for galloping horses. The lead times were becoming much too long on new mould production and stock.Different business priorities for our current supplier mean they can no longer provide us with what we need. I take this opportunity to thank them for the six years of support they have provided from the fledgling operation started by Spencer in 2011 with about 12 moulds to the 200+ production moulds we now have. Once again thanks to our customers who have been so patient on the missing items.

I am painting some masters right now - the volume delivery should arriveoiver the next 10 days

This point leads also to the delay in getting to market: Swedish GNW cavalry, Prussian and Danish Infantry and Ottomans. The former three should be with me in production quantities over the next 10 days and the first 5 full Ottoman codes (25 finished models) should appear for their first public showing as masters over the next four weeks.

I am using my time on the road to complete the text of the BLB3 GNW/Eastern Wars supplement. Clarence has already impressed me with the draft sketch of the cover - wow!

The drunken colonel (left of row) mastered but not yet released. Who'd be interested in that figure?

Clarence has produced Danish and Prussian Infantry and Cavalry flags for the WSS/GNW which we have not yet released but will do soon.

When the GNW supplement is released we'll follow that up with a few other publications which are stuck in the pipe right now.

So, that went on a little longer than I expected but at least your in the picture.

Thanks again for staying with us!