On the march once again.. The Army of William III |
1693 opens with many of the main characters elsewhere... Marlborough held at Versailles, Tollemache garrisoning a small frontier fortress in the low countries, Berwick sent on a diplomatic errand to the Vatican via Vienna and St Petersburg, Sarsfield back in Ireland raising and training a new army and Wauchope mad and incoherent in an unnamed monastery.
The rest of the crew are however very busy with their careers...
The state of the nation in early 1693 |
To fully understand the background this summary may be helpful for those remotely interested in our nonsense..
The 1693 plot summary.. plot being the mot juste |
Many interesting new dimensions crept into the conflict in 1693, not the least of these being the transfer of some of the action to the Caribbean theatre where colonial interests pertaining to the Spanish, Dutch, French, English, Huguenots, Scots and Irish all began to come into play.
The Jacobites have come a long from from the farm boys beaten at Donore in 1690 |
This led to some conventional armies such as Sheldon's Irish Expeditionary force built around a single regiment eleven of the thirteen companies of which are shown here....
Dominic Sheldon's Irish Expeditionary Force - regimental sized ratio 1:5 |
and some more outlandish ones such as the French Protestant Caribbean Alliance containing Huguenot regulars, Planters, freed slaves, a Haitian Death Cult, natives of the various Caribbean islands, Maroons and volunteers...
Perhaps the most outlandish Force - Huguenots and native allies under de Ruvigny |
Our biggest innovation was using Beneath the Lily Banners on Company scale to run a six force brigade sized battle in Jamaica featuring over 1,000 models on a 12 x 6 table. It worked very well!
The War of Three Kings makes it to the Caribbean |
More details soon....