17th Century Warfare - Online talk - The campaigns in Ireland 1688-1691

Barry Hilton - Late 17th century Warfare: Online Talk
Saturday 22nd May, 2021 1100-1300 BST.

I have the pleasure of hosting a talk for Ulster Wargames Society on the above date. The focus of the talk is Warfare in the late 17th century with particular emphasis on the campaigns of King William III and King James II. The society is making the talk open to non members. There is no charge for attendance.
Link here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/warfare-in-the-late-seventeenth-century-barry-hilton-tickets-152194061535

In the talk, I will focus on aspects of the campaigns in Ireland which get less exposure than the normal topics. That includes the actions before August 1689, the actions after July 1690 and the Jacobite army.