Airborne Museum Oosterbeek

Memorial to the Airborne Forces at Oosterbeek

This trip happened in November 2018 and for some reason I didn't get around to posting some of the lovely photos.

British Sherman in the museum forecourt

I am almost certain this is a 17pdr. I don't think Urquhart's men had too many of these to hand.

We spent an excellent couple of hours in this outstanding museum and finished our trip by crossing the Rhine Bridge defended by Colonel Frost and his paratroopers.

Colonel John Frost's uniform and hunting horn.

The exhibits are evocative and with every museum I have visited in the Netherlands, presented with balance and care.

No offence to anyone intended but this section of wallpaper taken from a house encapsulates the British spirit for me
Polish colours - note the Eagle and the Virgin and Child icon
The items on display work on both a historical and personal level as is obvious. The dioramas and mannequins are wonderful and the historical commentary and wider perspective is informative and detailed.

Reconstructed interior of a glider
A small part of one of the main street fighting dioramas which you can walk right through

More of the wrecked street which you walk through
Heinz Harmel - read and be astounded
Harmel's decorations

I thoroughly recommend this museum for anyone interested in history and in particular, the largest airborne assault of all time.

Arnhem Bridge

The ride across from east to west - it's a bloody big bridge!