slipping past the Jacobite guns (it was dark.. but not in my kitchen) |
This scenario involved a daring mission by moonlight up the River Foyle by Captain Adam Murray and an intrepid band of Derrymen as they attempted to transfer some messengers towards their comrades in Enniskillen.
Ahoy! Boat loads of Jacobite dragoons sail up the Foyle |
The action mostly takes place on the water as Jacobite dragoons try to intercept and capture Murray's men. Having sailed up river to deposit his messengers Murray meets the enemy mid stream on the inbound journey. I haven't laughed so much in a long time.
Man! They have a fleet of dragoons! |
To see Toggy Murray go from an attitude of 'this is a mission impossible' to, my God! 'I might actually win this' was very funny. The action involved a multiple collision with men leaping from boat to boat to try and get to the fight taking place in one of the Jacobite interceptors which had been boarded by Murray's crew.
Ramming speeeed! Murray crunches into the Jacobites and leaps aboard |
This 6 or 7 turn melee involved men being shot, stabbed, clubbed, thrown overboard, jumping overboard, shooting their own officers for ordering shots into a melee, desertion, drowning and possibly crimes against cabin boys!
Countless men are now in the river or lying dead in the bilge |
It was a no holds barred piece of player creativity as they threatened to murder crewmen, coerced enemy combatants and generally took desperate measures to try and achieve their missions.
When the mission was going well and Derry boats were full |
In a 25 turn game (yup you read that right) the bold Toggy Murray almost succeeded in escaping after killing the entire complement of about 3 enemy boats and holding loaded pistols to the heads of the remaining enemy sailors.
Roger? Are you a cabin boy? Murray escapes with mascot |
In a final bid for freedom Murray, sergeant and one of the boy scouts were grounded less than a boat's length from liberty. We assumed they tracked across country back to Derry.
WTF.. Jacobite Gerry cries tears of disbelief as Togwit trudges overland to Derry |
The Jacobites were not in a position to pursue.