Battle of Reunion August 1689 BLB3 play test Part 4 second half

Start of T4. The strong Jacobite right has stopped the Enniskilleners dead.

We left off with most of the action having taken place on the Jacobite left flank with the Enniskillen troops coming off somewhat the worse against determined Jacobite Horse and Foot.

We at back in T4 with the fighting almost general along the front of both armies...

The finest infantry on the table - 1st battalion of the King's Regiment is about to attack St John's Derry infantry in the priory ruin. Led by Justin McCarthy, Doctor Stafford and their own colonel the Guards fling themselves against the 2B class ruined BuA but the Protestant infantry hold them beyond the perimeter with grim determination.

The cleric and McCarthy urge the Guard forwards at Reunion priory

Elsewhere some consolidation is taking place. The Grand Prior's brigade is fanning out in an effort to bring its strength to bear against the disorganized Enniskillen troops. The close order battalion of Gustavus Hamilton panics into retreat on seeing Tiffin's musketeers routed by Antrim's Redshanks.

Although depleted by half of their number Sarsfield's squadron now less than 100 men is still dominating the extreme right as Wolseley's fresh Enniskillen cavalry come up to the front. We chose to class these fellows as Blade Horse, unusual but not impossible under the rules.

The grit of the Guards wins the day

T5 and despite being disordered in the zone of control outside the priory the Guards manage to break into the perimeter on the second round of combat. By causing one casualty more than their opponents they win the combat and get inside.

The picture at T6 - The Enniskillen Horse massing for another go!

This is too much for Sir Arthur Rawdon who scoots out the back way abandoning his men under St John. Rumour has it that some blood from a wounded soldier splashed on the Cock's lace cuff leading  him to presume he'd was mortally struck. Much booing and hissing from his brave men.

In T6 the Protestant garrison of the priory rallied and fought the Guards to a standstill. The pious Dr Stafford took a glancing blow to the face which shattered his spectacles causing him to withdraw from the field and contemplate his situation through prayer.

The three squadrons of Enniskillen Horse re grouped to take out Berwick's 100 men, the sole remaining cavalry on the Jacobite left.

At it again Berwick's 100 break the Enniskilleners again!

T7 had loadsa charges. Conyngham's 1st squadron, rallied, went again at Berwick only to be broken in rout. Two squadrons of Galmoy's charged simultaneously on the right against two squadrons of Derry Horse under Adam Murray. Wolseley's Enniskillen Horse raised a cheer for King William and thundered towards Antrim's hard fighting Redshanks.

Lord Galmoy toe to toe with Adam Murray

The outcomes were mostly in favour of King James's men. Galmoy bounced Murray's squadron but did not break it and did not pursue. Antrim's men stood firm and routed Wolseley's wild Enniskillen Horse. Berwick did it again! routing the Enniskilleners despite only have 60 men left in his command.

Two other squadron's Galmoy's v Murray's

The Guards surged deep into the Priory causing colonel St John to flee right under the nose of his commander Colonel Mitchelbourne!

St John you damned poltroon, get back here and fight by God!

Erin go bragh! is the cry as the men of Antrim fling bullets, stones, dung and insults at the broken squadron from Enniskillen!


Finally with one last surge the Guards take the priory and the wobble caused by this rout of St John's regiment ripples down Mitchelburne's infantry line.

T7 was a big moment

Mitchelburne's army is under severe pressure particularly on the right.

T8 saw the impetuous rule for Enniskilleners come into play as Lloyd's men went out of control and decided to charge the close packed ranks of the Grand Prior's Regiment. Alas the loose order and disorganized musketeers broke themselves on the steady ranks of the Jacobite Foot.

The impetuous Lloyd's dash themselves on the Prior's pikes

There was still fight left in the Protestant Army with a squadron of Murray's Derry Horse catching Galmoy's 2nd squadron whilst it was forming breaking them.

Murray's 3rd squadron break the disorganized 2nd squadron of Galmoy's

A view of the battle at the end of T8 shows Mitchelburne's army in disarray. Three units of Foot are routing  and a further Derry battalion is pulling back out of the zone of control of the priory which is now in Jacobite hands. A lone battalion of Derry infantry tries to face down an entire Jacobite brigade whilst on the Williamite left Murray's Horse are galloping off after Glamoy's scattered regiment.

It is looking bad for Mitchelburne
In T9 with barely 40 men around the standard The Duke of Berwick charged for a final time breaking the last remaining Enniskillen Horse under Conyngham. In this final encounter the last Jacobite troopers fell in their moment of glory leaving the young Duke and his entourage to hold the flank! That 2.0 points was well spent on this single squadron under the King's son.

Still fighting! Berwick (and his retainers) scatter Conyngham's

T10 was the final turn and saw the All pike equipped McGillicuddy's Regiment brave the fire of Mitchelburne's own regiment who broke under the shock.

The Protestant army is in flight

The field was General Hamilton's!

A debrief will appear in part 5...