Beauty & the Beast(s) The Hilton Ladies perspective on we Gamers

Antwerp to Kirriemuir.. on the road with the Hiltons
I suggested to Gwen (my wife) that she might like to offer a short comment for the blog on her particular perspective of the wargaming experience after our trip to CRISIS 2014. Gwen is no novice. She has run the Warfare trade stand at Carronade, Partizan and Crisis and has attended numerous shows over our 28 year marriage as well as hosting dozens of games at our house, feeding and watering my friends and generally putting up with piles of wargaming detritus around the house. Without further ado...
Breakfast in Dover 0900 31st October - incredible weather!
Getting up at 6.45am (5.45 actually as we'd just arrived in Belgium from the UK) is not my idea of fun at the best of times, but offering to help my husband at the CRISIS 2014 show in Antwerp meant up early (not a morning person), League of Augsburg t shirt on, hair and make-up done (whilst he stood tapping his feet), a very quick breakfast, before heading to the big sheds.
Allez to Calais! (yes the Hiltons are Carry-On-ers)
 After humping all the gear into the venue and setting everything up, we settled down for a cup of tea. We couldn't drink the wine I brought as we had nowhere to chill it! ( I should have paid an early morning visit to the champagne popping Red Baron's of Ghent.. where were you when I needed you Carl & Co?)  My daughter Emma and I people watched and it seems, at a wargaming event, anything goes. Strange sights as Transformers walked by followed by a mind boggling variety of other costumes. 
Eh Mum.. I just saw a Transformer. It's OK Emma, just smile.
Next year I want one of those dresses that Queen Elizabeth I wore! After a couple of hours of observation Emma turned to me and said "I don't get it". "Get what?" I asked "All these men and their wee soldiers ..... what's it all about?" "Fantasy, escapism, strategy and most importantly ...... winning!" I know because I have played before ... and yes I did win! 
Next year.. I will run the game.. less of this male stuff.
Despite my razor sharp logic she still didn't get it. Next year I'm going to run the game. We can have a women-only table with champagne and chocolates (the chocolates were wonderful Willie!). We'll field a female-only army who I predict will beat the living c*** out of all the male wee soldiers ..... well it is fantasy after all!
See you next year Antwerp!
And then there's always the shopping afterwards.  It is a dirty job but someone's got to do it.