I will continue to contribute articles to Wargames Illustrated as per usual. These normally revolve around a specific request for something to fit with a theme the magazine is running or a free choice piece based on what the LoA is doing at the time. Other content of this type is likely to appear over the coming months in another mag and also in Charles Grant's Wargamers Annual 2013.
In addition I have agreed to write a bi monthly column for Wargames Illustrated where the content is more based along the lines of what I call 'commentary' pieces. In other words, where I get on my high horse and poke a gentle digit between the ribs of some aspect of the hobby. An example from the past was the piece 'Warning, this hobby may contain nuts' or travelling far further back in time 'Who's that bloke in the pot helmet?'.
That very bloke in the pot helmet! |
Curiously, it is for these types of article that I get the most feedback for which I am always extremely grateful (except for the death threats and notes describing mutilation and decapitation). As recently as Claymore on 3rd August someone mentioned the pot helmet piece which was written more than 10 years ago. That felt nice! So, more gentle mocking but some serious points in there if you look hard enough.
The column is running under the title of Fighting Talk. Dan Faulconbridge informs me imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but from the look on his face at the time I don't think he really meant it. The first piece has already run and dealt with the issue of how units should be classified for morale purposes in scenarios.
We are considering re issuing some of the much older articles here but at the moment we are hardly short of content with CH, DOB and myself running on overdrive and pieces in the pipe from at least four further guest bloggers.
Thanks for sticking with us, the blog is really getting some traction now.