4 sections completed and photographed at home |
Barry Hilton - I am not a precision model maker. I don’t work from plans
other than pictures floating around in my head which I then try and create by
modelling them (often imprecisely). My attempts are not always blessed with success
but experience over about 20 years of ‘try-outs’ has shortened the odds
allowing some more than passable output most of the time.
Since 2012 Warfare Miniatures has demanded huge amounts of
my time which in previous years would have been utilized for painting and
modelling activities. What this means is that when I do get a chance to build
or paint, the project is short, intense and managed to a deadline such as photo
shoot, book launch, figure release or wargaming event.
At CARRONADE 2014. This didn't take too long to build! |
WLOA919 Gun screen and ladders |
I commissioned a range of products aimed at filling gaps in
the wargames market for siege and engineering accessories late in 2012. These
bits and pieces were the result of suggestions from friends and Fighting Talk
forum members.
The wish list was paired down and organized into a brief to a
designer who created to my mind at least, a top quality selection of very
useful items to be used in siege type games or for dioramas and general table
dressing.As each new item was production moulded and released I
barely managed to paint up a sample for the online shop. No ‘big picture’
evolved incorporating the various individual pieces into something cohesive. I
was frustrated by this but ultimately it was a good thing that I waited.
WLOA920 Fascines loose and racked. - heavily used! |
When finally I decided three weeks before the Falkirk club’s
Carronade show in May 2014 to build a section of the Grand Alliance army’s
front line from the battle of Neerwinden 1693, I knew roughly what I wanted it
to look like.
I had no plan, I had no idea how many components I would
use. I did however envisage a heavily fortified breastwork with the appearance
of ‘substance with haste’. What I mean is; it would appear thrown up quickly
but would be difficult for an enemy to take it by force.Once I started, I just kept adding to it! In part 2 you can learn more about the process and the components.