Making a floating mortar platform 3

By now I was really in to it. The ideas were coming thick and fast. Some good, some not so good. I decided that when the basic construction was ready I would undercoat it in my favourite chocolate emulsion paint. This got rid of the distracting patterns on the mats and made the model begin to look like something which was going to be of real value.

I was beginning to fret over the level of detail to add. How many ladders, what about anchor chains and ropes? Handrails? All that stuff preoccupied my thoughts. I kept remembering something that a fellow gamer had once said to me about projects - it's all about drying times.

So true. You do something that looks good and you just want to bash on to the next step but that is a mistake. You must let glue cure and paint dry otherwise you just start to mess up.

This post shows some of the detail and where I eventually drew the line. I could have gone on and on but more fiddly bits means more things that can break and more clutter when you are trying to use it on the table.

I was hoping probably to go to the next level of detail but with hindsight stopped at just the right point.. I think!