Clarence Harrison - Right! My painting in 2017 was not up to my normal production. That is going to change in 2018.
I started this second force for my Donnybrook Dark project (you can see my Scandavians here if you missed 'em) on New Year's Eve - yep, a wild night. I assembled, converted, undercoated, painted, based, photographed, AND freakin' blogged about forty models in seven days. This five-point force is for my fictional soldiers of Rusland...
The shadowed realm of Rusland is ruled by a dread necromancer. Warlocks and sorcerers march in the armies along side mortal soldiers and they may call on dark powers, marshaling spirits, undead, and other wicked creatures to their banners.
The core of the force would be perfectly at home in a historical GNW scenario.
Two units of Drilled (d8) Musketeers...
One unit of Drilled (d8) Cossacks...
Then the 'Dark' bits... one unit of Zombies...
... and a Wraith...
Finally there is the leader, Captain Alexander Narvarosk, and four characters (the wraith does not generate a special character) - a Sergeant, Drummer, mounted Great Warrior (from the tribal list), and a Hag (currently the same as the witch from the Cultist list, though I actually intend to write new rules for this character).
Whew! It's been a while since I set that kind of pace, but it was fun. I need to make my cards and finish my Donnybrook Dark terrain now so I can get in some games. I am also hoping to publish a supplement for this project, at least in PDF, some time this summer if our schedule allows. There are lots of projects in the fire at the moment, but this is on the list.
I'm going to add a unit of the new Russian Dragoons as soon as I get my hands on some and probably a unit of pikemen. I want to expand my other force too with... what? The zombies? No Warfare isn't making zombie models - I mutilated Clib's excellent sculpts for my own evil ends. If there is any interest, I will write a tutorial on making 18th century zombies...