News from the front 4 - Waterloo re enactment day 1

Union Brigade attack D'Erlon's Corps
I feel words are somewhat superfluous after this evening. I have just arrived back at the hotel and it is probably time to hang up my dice because no experience will top what I saw tonight. I took over 400 shots in less than 2 hours. This is raw stuff with no work so straight from the field.
RHA Battery

I think I'll reflect a little with my head on the pillow and leave you all with something to enjoy.

6th Division attack Hougoumont

Crabbe's Cuirassiers
British squares under pressure 
Skirmishing dismounted Polish squadron
Allied centre
RA battery give fire!
Pressing the attack on Hougoumont
The British stand firm

Actually they WERE Swedish but looked great - near Hougoumont
The Garde attack!
Firing at the Allied centre