Oh, I should tell you about Crisis..

Saxon skirmishers engage the Janissaries

The key drama temporarily overshadowed a very successful and enjoyable CRISIS 2018. The show was great on several fronts. Trade was the best for about three years, the Ottomans were very well received and sold to expectation, there were some nice games, I bought something big and we were busy chatting to friends and visitors all day.

Danes advance to capture back the Holy treasures from the Turks

We were situated next to Jon Sutherland's massive Rugen Island 1715 game. Jon has painted more Warfare Miniatures than I have and his customer now owns more Warfare Miniatures than I do! After last year's equally massive Poltava game it was hard to imagine how it could be topped but Jon managed it this year. On the table was an enlarged Swedish army fighting Prussian, Danish and Saxon forces.
Danes at Rugen - Jon Sutherland

We chose to put on a babooshka display. A Donnybrook game contained within a WTK game. In the end we never got to move a single figure because I was trading all day and Bob was talking all day!
Jon and Diane's Rugen Island 1715 game

We were situated in a little UK enclave - Jon and Diane S, LoA, Dave Thomas and Phil, Victrix and Kallistra together with Millenium books. As we all have a case of Brexitosis, I wonder what dilemmas will be created by our politicians for us next year. Will UK attendance at the much loved CRISIS show be damaged by needless legislation on import/export duty or travel hassles at borders?

Prussian assault troops move up

I do hope not.

Nevertheless, there is definitely some nervousness amongst the trader and gamer community about the implications of March 2019.

Ottoman defence - the border between Bosnia and Croatia

Our biggest sellers at the show in no particular order were the  new Ottoman Janissaries, our Militia codes and Swedish cavalry,  We sold out of the Militia which was very pleasing (if a little annoying for me as I thought I had blistered enough!).

Under mortar fire from the Imperialists - a Janissary Orta

My luxury purchase was a pre-formed and painted Vauban style Star fort from the German terrain company whose name I can never remember. Pricey but nice. Appearing in some games soon.

LoA Game - Donnybrook units amongst the BLB units

Attendance seemed lower in the morning but I think that was more to do with the queues outside than visitor numbers. It took a surge from about 1115 which lasted till lunchtime, ebbed away and then continued till about 1430.

The ground on which the Allied Cavalry stood at Ramillies. We are standing in the centre of the melee area.

Nice to see the Alde Garde, Kurpfalz Feldherren and several other groups who we always bump into. Many return customers visited too. Always healthy and very pleasing to see.

From the top of the Citadel of Namur looking towards the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers

A few people who bought battalion packs from us late in the day did not get the necessary swords for their models. My mistake. Please contact me at wordtwister@hotmail.co.uk. I know a French speaking gentleman who was with his wife did not get Ottoman swords for two Ortas, a German customer did not get swords for his Danes and perhaps one or two other customers did not receive Ottoman swords for their packs. We will of course put that right if you contact me.

The Airborne Experience at Arnhem (Oosterbeek)

Some nice posts coming up on our visits to the British Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek, Ramillies battlefield and the Citadel of Namur.