Barry Hilton - The territories in Canada
grew in importance to France
over the time between first being claimed by Cartier in 1534 and the early
1620s. During this period several efforts to colonize foundered but ever
increasing demands for furs from Europe thrust
the difficult outpost to prominence as a gateway to potential riches for
whoever owned it. Repeated attempts at settlement gradually made inroads and by
the early 17th century stone fortifications were in place and the
fundamentals of military and economic permanency established around what was by
then being called Quebec. It was
temporarily lost by Champlain to English privateers in 1629 but returned
through treaty to the French in 1632. The French were easily the most active
Europeans in North America during the 16th and 17th centuries
exploring and ‘claiming’ vast swathes of land the size of Europe
with less than 500 native Frenchmen insitu. There is nothing like ambition!
Other Europeans were not idle during this period but the Swedes, Dutch and
English had restricted their efforts to the north eastern seaboard. A process
of consolidation took place between the 1630s and the 1670s with the English by
far being the most energetic and it seems, prolific of the three other powers.
The Dutch eclipsed the Swedes and the English the Dutch. Having been in North
America in one form or another since the 1530s the French had managed to amass
about 14,000 settlers by 1688 whilst the English starting almost 100 years
later had accrued a truly mind boggling
250,000 by the same date!
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New England Militia - poorly armed to deal with stealth raids |
English awareness of French empire building coupled with a jealousy regarding the volume of trade riches the French were ripping out of the interior fuelled hostility in the main English colonies of
In early 1690 three expertly planned raids were
successfully undertaken. Schenectady ,(modern New York State )
was hit in January, Salmon Falls ,
(modern New Hampshire ) in March and Sasco,
(modern Maine )
in May. Each attack was noteworthy for its thoroughness and brutality. The
French military has assembled mixed forces of French professional soldiers,
volunteer militiamen and Indian allies led by Canadian officers. The three
separate raiding forces operated in the ‘Canadian style’ a mixed form of
warfare incorporating Indian wood craft with European discipline.
Characteristics of this style were stealth, surprise, ambush and savagery on
contact in other words a sort of 17th century Shock and Awe.
This was all too much for the New Englanders.
Something had to be done. Money was raised entirely by the colony of Massachusetts via a paper bond scheme funded in futures
those being, the booty that would be liberated from the enemy when Quebec fell. The expedition
would travel by sea and the objective would be the destruction or capture or
surrender or all of these, of French Canada. The obvious leader of the venture
was the famous or some might say notorious Sir William Phips, a native of Massachusetts who had initially made his name as a privateer
in the Caribbean . He salvaged treasure from
wrecked Spanish galleons amongst other things and had recently taken the
surrender of the French colonies in Nova Scotia
at that time known as Acadia . The deported
inhabitants ended up in Louisiana
as the ancestors of the Acadians or Cajuns without a shot being fired! His
reputation was stellar although his military credentials were perhaps suspect
but as we all know when the bandwagon starts to roll it’s a brave mad who’ll
stand in the way. So, Phips got the job and the planning began in earnest.
For those of you like me interested in King
William III’s European wars against Louis XIV, all of the above was going on around
the time of the siege of Derry and the preparations for the Battle
of the Boyne . Requests for regular troops from
England were flatly turned
down by William who cited the far more significant (well it was for him as he
might get booted out of England
and lose the throne) threat posed by James II’s Jacobite Army in Ireland . The
colonists had to go it alone, a portent of thing to come. Consequently Phips
land contingent was formed from 2,300 colonists organised into seven battalions
named for their commanding majors; Quincy, Phillips, Hutchinson, Henchman,
Appleton, Gedney and Saltonstall. All of these men were volunteers or drafted militia
and in the main were from the Massachusetts colony. A
few companies came from New York and the
Plymouth Plantation which at that time was not part of Massachusetts . Six brass cannon manned by
the Honourable Artillery of Boston accompanied the Foot. A small contingent of
Indian scouts under Lt Thomas Swift was attached aping the French use of Native
Americans. Overall command of the army was given to Lt General (Parkman cites
Major) John Walley of Massachusetts .
It is understood that the training and operating practices of the New
Englanders was modeled on the Trained Bande principle and they would have
therefore behaved in the same fashion as contemporary European infantry. This
was in complete contrast to the tactics already demonstrated by the French
during their raids of early 1690.
Phip’s fleet of
thirty four ships left
This unexpected
retort fazed the New Englanders who resorted to an ineffectual naval
bombardment for a couple of days whilst they tried to work out what to do.
Storming this natural fortress, reinforced with excellent military engineering
was not part of the original plan hatched in Boston . Quebec contained a formidable garrison of
900 colonial regulars (Compagnies Franches de la Marine). These men, under Navy
control were trained not only in the European style but are also thought to
have been organised into field battalions for offensive tactics in the Canadian
terrain. A small castle guard and Governor’s bodyguard combined, provided a
further 50 regulars. To supplement this excellent core 1,100 Canadian militia
were also present. These men did not operate in the style of their New England adversaries but when mustered spent their
time on shooting practice and woodland warfare tactics in the style of the
Native Americans they lived beside. With perhaps 100 Indian allies present the
French force totalled some 2,000- 2,200 men.
Faced with extremely limited options Phip’s chose to put 1,200 men ashore on 18th October in an attempt to come upon the city from the landward side. The north eastern approach had been identified as the weakest. A point called La Canardiere on theBeauport shore, east of the St Charles River was where unopposed, John Walley
landed his men. Walley had to get his little army across firstly the Beauport River
and then the St Charles
River before he could
attack the enemy defences guarding the city approaches. Frontenac had lined the
banks of the St Charles
with earthworks and was poised to reinforce the position with three battalions
of his regulars. In advance of this location he placed militiamen and Indian
marksmen led by regular officers. These advanced picquets immediately began to
harass the close order New England battalions
forming up before entering the woods. This one sided cat and mouse affair
continued for two days.
To cover his land manoeuvres Phip’s had moved the fleet inshore to provide a bombardment ofQuebec . The garrison
responded so effectively with counter battery fire that many ships were
damaged, Phip’s flagship was allegedly dismasted and troops from the garrison
paddled out in canoes and scooped his personal standard from the river as
trophy. Nothing was going the New Englander’s way.
Faced with extremely limited options Phip’s chose to put 1,200 men ashore on 18th October in an attempt to come upon the city from the landward side. The north eastern approach had been identified as the weakest. A point called La Canardiere on the
To cover his land manoeuvres Phip’s had moved the fleet inshore to provide a bombardment of
On the 20th
Walley decided to force a crossing of the St
Charles and storm the earthworks beyond. They formed
up in the European style and advanced into the hungry muskets of the woodsmen
and Indians. Despite bringing up half a dozen brass cannon they could not force
their way into the woods and eventually retreated to their boats on the evening
of the 21st abandoning most of their guns. It is thought up to 15%
of Walley’s force was lost in the abortive attacks whilst French loses were no
more than 60 killed or wounded. Phip’s fleet ignominiously sailed for home on
the 23rd experiencing many more hardships and loses on the way. So
ended the first Anglo Saxon attempt to seize French Canada.