“Par la bouche de mes canons” QUEBEC 1690. Part 3

Orders of Battle and Unit Composition
The New Englanders
Phip’s had 2,300 militiamen in seven battalions. A simple division gives an average of roughly 330 men per battalion. This figure is roughly half the size of an actual regular army battalion’s strength during the period. It may be safe to assume that colonial militia units were severely under strength for a variety of reasons. As this was not a Royal or State initiated campaign then perhaps enforcement of service terms may have been rather less stringent than a national war situation. If the militia followed the traditional infantry structure then these 330 man units would be subdivided into 13 companies. Company strength would then be a meagre 25 men.
It has been stated that the New England militia were organised on the Trained Band system. This would mean a ratio of two muskets to one pike. Units could then be composed of two wings of muskets and a central group of pikemen.
Massachusetts men. The French may have looked different.

The French
Chartrand mentions Frontenac reinforcing the St Charles River defences with three battalions of regulars. If one assumes that he was prepared to commit all of his regulars to this forward defence then each battalion could be roughly 300 men strong. This is however a big assumption. An experienced soldier like Frontenac would be unlikely to leave the important job of garrisoning the city to militia and it would be a logical conclusion that he would have distributed regulars to other key points of his defence. A figure of 300 French per battalion is in my opinion too generous. If Frontenac held back one third of his regulars in reserve or distributed across other locations then his three battalions at the St Charles may have been  150 -200 men in strength. The use of the word ‘battalion’ is misleading and may refer to a tactical formation as opposed to indicating strength. There are no mentions of the French deploying pikes in Canada. This means that all of their regulars and militia would be armed with muskets. Whether all of their Indian allies had muskets is a moot point. All of the above information forces some decisions in terms of organisation for the scenarios.