BLB was written for conventional pike and shot warfare in
These apply as
written in the main rules text to the New England
battalions and to the French regulars if they deploy in close order. The woods
and other difficult terrain will not disorder or impede the movement of Canadian
militia, Indians and French Regulars deployed to skirmish.
Allowable formations
The New Englanders
must use the conventional formations allowable in BLB. The French regulars use
these formations but can also deploy in open order. If players choose to do
this, please read the additional notes below for more detail. The French
militia may only deploy in open order. Even if the figures are based in
multiples as per the rules the stands should be separated and each treated as
if the men are in loose formation.
The Canadian
militia and Indians can move as per Tribal infantry in the main rules. They may
move in any direction without penalty for re facing. The French Regulars and
New Englanders move at speeds defined in the main rules even French Regulars in
open order. If French Regulars wish to deploy in open order they must place a
FORM marker and take a full move to either deploy or reform into close order.
Guns can be manhandled at a rate of four inches per turn but only one inch per
turn in woods.
Close order troops
follow the rules as written. Open order French troops are never disordered
under any circumstances.
Visibility in woods As per main rules
New Englanders and
French Regulars may declare a charge on any opponent even those without
depleted command states. Open order French troops may only charge disordered
troops or those with depleted command states. If themselves charged they must
take a morale test. If they pass the test they will retire ten inches towards
the nearest cover. A result of SHAKEN or worse removes Canadian Militia and
Indians permanently from the game. Open order French Regulars with a Result of
SHAKEN or RETREAT do so toward the nearest close order friendly body or cover.
If ROUTING they do so as per the militia and Indians. If charging New
Englanders are clearly not going to contact open order opponents they may test
morale to pull up at normal move distance. If they pass they do so in good
order and can carry on as desired next move. If they fail they continue forward
to the full extent of their move distance, are disordered and must rally next
The New Englanders
operate as per the main rules as do the French Regulars in close order. Canadian
Militia and Indians shoot with a modifier of +2 as their shots would be
carefully aimed. They do not receive the ‘First volley’ bonus but neither do
they take the -1 modifier for being RAW. Each group of three models is taken as
a ‘stand’ of figures rather than the normal six of the rules. A ‘stand’ of three
militia figures or Indians takes the -2 modifier for ‘casualties of 50% or
greater’ only when down to one figure strength. Each group of six militiamen or
Indians may target a separate enemy unit. At full strength each group of six figures would cross refer
two firing ‘stands’ against their fire factor in the casualties table. French regulars
in skirmish order do not get the ‘First volley’ bonus and continue to fire in
groups of six figures. They do get a +1 when firing in this formation as the
shots are considered to be aimed at individual targets. When the troops in open order are targets
they are treated as per deployed artillery. Firing and moving penalties apply
to all as per the main rules. If the 1:10 model to man ratio is chosen then
simply divide the number of musket armed figures by six to establish the number
of firing stands per unit.
Pikes can be used
as per the rules in the open and if the users are not disordered. They are
useless in the woods and are considered to have been put aside before entry.
This means pikemen in melee combat within the woods are using their short
swords, hatchets, knives or concussive weapons such as pieces of wood. Canadian
militia and Indians will receive the +4 melee bonus for Tribal infantry if they
charge SHAKEN, RETREATING or ROUTING opponents even in the woods. Open order
infantry contacted by close order troops are simply removed from the game. This
may happen if the irregulars are hemmed in by other troops or by an impassable
terrain feature such as the St
Charles River .
In the woods
Canadian Militia and Indians receive a +1 modifier indicating their preference
for fighting in this terrain. They receive no minus for being unsupported but
take a +1 if they have a friendly stand of figures over 50% strength and STEADY
within six inches. If charged in the open they take an additional -1. New Englanders charged in the woods by
Canadian militia or Indians take an additional
-1 on morale checks for the
terror factor. New Englanders who moved closer to the enemy or their objective
in the current turn take a +1 on morale if called on to test. The ‘support’
modifier is given to regulars of either side if they have one formed friendly
body within the appropriate distance.
Minor leader models
In addition to the
commander models for each force a number of minor leader character models are
allowed. The number is specified in each of the scenarios. These minor leaders
can attach themselves temporarily to any unit of the army. When present they
add an additional +2 to the morale of the unit they are with. Only one is
allowed with any given unit at any time. They move at a speed of six inches per
turn or at the charge speed of the unit they are with when it is charging.
Leader figures with a stand of Canadian militia or indians allow it to attempt
to charge non SHAKEN enemy. In combat the presence of the leader adds +2 to the
combat dice roll.
Units with attached
leader models roll a D6 if the unit receives casualties through shooting or
fighting. A score of six means the leader is killed and the unit takes a morale
check that turn at an additional -2.Commander Models
In addition to
their normal command responsibilities both Frontenac and Phips will add +3 to
the melee die roll of any unit to which they are attached. They must remain in
the combat until it is won, lost or they are killed. They may join a unit in
addition to any existing minor leader character already with that unit. If
either of the ‘big men’ are killed then the entire army within line of site takes
a morale check at -3. It’s pretty much all over if Frontenac or Phips die!
Any Horse and
musket set of rules can of course be used to play these scenarios. If using a
French and Indian Wars set, then allowances will have to be made for pikes.
Whatever rules are used make sure the troop quality is rated fairly low and put
an emphasis on leaders and their potential contribution.