“Par la bouche de mes canons” QUEBEC 1690. Part 5

The New Englanders didn’t get very far in real life. To add to the interest I have written one scenario covering the actual events and two further scenarios using the popular ‘What if’ principle. These give the Colonists a chance to achieve the bigger prize of winning Quebec for their King and the booty. The figure to man ratio I have used for the orbats is 1:10 which means a standard unit of militia could be made up of four musket stands and two pike stands. Players can adapt the scenarios to suit individual collections.

SCENARIO 1 (HISTORICAL) – Walley’s advance to the St Charles

John Walley leads his New Englanders through the woods and on towards the St Charles River and its line of defended breastworks. In his path are many small groups of wily Canadian militia and Indians. They are intent on throwing back the English attack without engaging in close combat. Walley must get his force to the east bank of the St Charles in order to form up for the crossing and assault. 

Order of battle for the New Englanders  (John Walley – rated Average)

Four battalions of New England Militia

Three light guns

Two minor leader models

Order of battle for the French (Captaine Montmorency)

Eighteen Canadian militia in three groups of six models (each group subdivided into 2 x 3 models)

Six Indians in one group (subdivided into 2 x 3 models)

Two minor leader models (one may be an Indian chief who must remain with his warriors)

Two battalions of Compagnies Franches de la Marine (each comprising of two stands of six models each)

The New Englanders deploy as shown on Map One. The French player may then place his militia and indians anywhere in the woods. One of the units of Compagnies Franches de la Marine will arrive on the eastern table edge at the beginning of turn five. The point of arrival is secretly marked on a map before the game begins by the French player. He must also specify at the same time whether the unit will appear in close or open order. Until it is within visibility distance of the New Englanders it can be marked with a counter. An additional ‘Bluff’ or blank counter can be moved simultaneously from another eastern table edge location to simulate fog of war. When the genuine unit engages the Bluff marker is removed. The second unit of French regulars will appear after the French player has accrued a score of 13. After the arrival of the first regular unit on turn five the French player rolls a D6 every turn. He carries a running total of this score. When it reaches 13 then the unit appears. Number the six one foot long sections of table edge 1-6 and throw a D6. The corresponding score refers to the section on table edge at which this unit arrives. The minor leader models can all be on table as the game begins.
Walley must get at least half of his infantry to the eastern table edge to win. These must have good morale but will of course be disordered for being in the woods. The French must prevent this to win. There is no turn limit.