Report from the Front... Waterloo 16th June

French vehicles - notice the colour wargamers!!!!
I am fully engaged as Battlefield Tour Guide on the Geek Nations Waterloo 200 event which began yesterday in Belgium. The schedule has been pretty full so far. Yesterday we were at Ligny for 0900 and sampling the new Gerard Museum with the bonus of a re-enactor bivouac containing KGL, French and Prussian units.

French wagon at Ligny
I spoke with some friendly Prussians from the Kurmarck Landwehr, the 3rd Silesian Landwehr and the Leib Regiment. Afterwards we walked Quatre Bras for 90 minutes and took in Gemioncourt Farm and the central battlefield area.
I reckon an 8pdr but no one was around to ask
KGL bivouac - yes, they are real Germans!

It was on to La Caillou and Napoleon's 17th June overnight accommodation in the very recently refurbished Museum (the paint was still wet!) Some nice touches in there now.
Howzabout that? Prussian 8pdr
On to Plancenoit and then the shock of seeing all of those massive grandstands along Bijlant's position. Yes! they are actually running the re enactment events on the forward slope to the east of La Haye Sainte, the scene is incredible.
The friendliest Prussians I have ever met!
We yomped on a march from The Crossroads to Plancenoit via Papelotte and Bois de Paris. The weather was fine, the group stayed together and after some delicate negotiations with the Gensdarmes we were permitted to walk through the construction site which is Wellington's position and reach our goal!
some French infantry muster
My group of walkers made it to the inn at Plancenoit and quaffed the fine beer in the sunshine. Apparently, according to someone's pedometer were marched 7 miles yesterday!. Vorwarts!
Gott mit uns! This was our march to attack Plancenoit!
Today was all about Republic to Empire and wargaming Waterloo. I did a couple of 90 minute lectures which were well appreciated. It is all go!

Tomorrow - Walking the north south route past La Haye Sainte and climbing the Butte de Lion!