Wow! The Kings Life Guard of Horse Sedgemoor period |
I spoke with a very nice chap called Alan at the September 2014 Partizan show in Newark. He was very interested in Warfare Miniatures cavalry models. He asked lots of questions about equipment positions and I remember, quizzed me hard on why sword scabbards sometimes appeared to sit at odd angles! I explained that was the way we had glued them on and not the way they were cast. He was happy with that!
Officer and trooper, Royal Dragoons 1685 |
Alan, I was learning, was a horseman. Not just a horseman but a serious re-enactor who reconstructed the forces of the Monmouth Rebellion. His group's project sounded absolutely fantastic and he was kind enough to share some truly excellent photographs which he has kindly allowed me to share with the Blog members.
The Duke of Monmouth at the original George Inn, Philips Norton |
So, here are some really wonderful and atmospheric shots of what appear to be truly accurate re- enactors of both the King's and the Duke's followers. Inspiring stuff and linked indirectly to a new direction for Warfare Miniatures... keep visiting!
WLOA21 Royalist Cavalry Officer |
WLOA35B Earl of Oxford's Regiment - Royalist Horse
WLOA57 Earl of Oxford's Command |
WLOA11 Royalist Grenadiers - skirmished at Philips Norton |
As it stands, the Warfare Miniatures range allows for every Royalist regiment to be represented and many codes are ideal for the Monmouth Rebel Army including use of WLOA34 Enthusiastic Cavalry for Monmouth's own cavalry. Some other Warfare codes suitable for Sedgemoor refights:
WLOA34 Rebel Horse |
WLOA18 Battering piece |
WLOA10 Royal Dragoons accurately recreating Alan's picture above