Warfare GNW Swedish gunners - 3 different crew combinations
Well, the Swedes were famous for taking the initiative during the Great Northern War and Clibinarium followed their lead!
Out of the blue he told me he felt it important to support the existing infantry with gunners and he had unilaterally taken the decision to sculpt a few from scratch.
A few? Well yes, I perhaps got carried away a bit. How many? About 15....
The crews he has produced allow us to model a gun firing, loading and positioning. The variety in the poses including officers who could be used elsewhere creates a massive opportunity for diorama building and variety.
Of course these chaps could be used in many respects for other duties in the wagon train, siege, defence and pioneer work.
Many of the poses are not from dolly work but from scratch constructions which adds further pose variety into the Swedish Army.
They will shortly go to be mastered and as such will jump the queue on some other items.
Listen for the sound of those Swedish guns! (soon)
This is not to say he has neglected other important additions to the range. The 6 new codes (30 figures - 25 Russian /5 Swedish Grenadiers) have now been mastered and will soon go to production.
The Grand Alliance period has not been neglected. News on the dragoons WiP soon too.
We have NOT been hibernating at Warfare Miniatures over this mild but stormy winter period.