Just a quick note to let everyone know that Warfare Miniatures is still very much open for business. We do have some depleting/out of stock situations but those products have now been removed (temporarily) from the online store. Everything visible in the store is available right now.
The situation is directly related to the lock-down. Whilst we are all bunkered-down, gamers and collectors are still buying and painting but casters and mould makers are not working. This means that popular stock lines having dwindled rapidly. I also now have some customers waiting for items on back order through simultaneous ordering ie, several have ordered the same product at the same time and caused a 'run'. It's the old supply and demand challenge.
I suspect that after the lock-down, the backlog of casting demand at the casters will be huge. We use a commercial operator in the wargaming industry as our caster and they have lots of their own lines. I don't know where Warfare will sit in the queue in terms of my growing need for stock however, please be assured, our customers always get what they order even if it takes a little longer. I really appreciate your patience on that if you are waiting.
On a related note, I am doing partial-shipment to keep hungry painters supplied with lead.
Also, because I expect a backlog on items, I am taking 'speculative orders' ie - order what you want but don't pay for it now so that when the stock is available, I will raise a paypal invoice. This is not as mad as it seems. Getting in the queue for stuff now is quite a good idea as I will have to send the first new stock shipments to customers waiting back orders then, fulfil the 'waiting for invoice' queue.
If you have a need for products for a project which is in your painting schedule, this is worth considering.
More soon and a BIG thanks to everyone for continuing to support Warfare Miniatures!