Hogan? |
Hogan’s role in this scenario is as a scout and not a fighter. He
provides the Jacobite player with some extra options which emphasize his local
knowledge and cunning.
Hogan and
the Shannon: Hogan can change the position of the ford! When he writes down the
designated crossing point at the start of the game he also chooses a
second option. If at any time during the game his first option looks too risky
he throws a D6 and on any score except 1 or 2 his second option becomes the
ford unless the first option has already been used. If so, it must stand as the
crossing point. He need not reveal the outcome of the dicing activity but must
tell the Williamite player that he is making a ‘ford throw’. Arguments about
outcome can take place over a whiskey later please gentlemen!
· Hogan and the bogs: With such
a deep connection to the land Hogan can misdirect enemy troops into difficult
ground. At the beginning of each new turn the Jacobite player has the option to
place a piece of impenetrable boggy terrain directly in front of a mounted or
dismounted enemy squadron. The bog can be oriented in any way but should be
roughly 6 x 6 inches in dimension. This option can only be invoked once.
Hogan and
the shadows: Hogan has hid and ambushed in this area many times. The squadron he is
attached to can, if charged, move D6 inches away from the chargers before
the charge move begins and the variable component diced for. This can be done
only twice in the game and only to the group which Hogan is part of. He knows
many hollows and gullies and directs his comrades to safety before they are
caught by the enemy.
At the
beginning of the game the Jacobite player should write down which squadron
Hogan is attached to. He must stay with this group for the duration. His model
should not be placed onto the table until the ‘Hogan in the shadows’ option is
invoked. Then he appears as an extra model with the squadron. He has no
fighting value, does not count as an extra model in combat but does check as an
officer casualty if his squadron takes losses from shooting or fighting. Use
the officer hits table from Beneath the Lily Banners.
Patrick Sarsfield
Warfare Miniatures' Patrick Sarsfield model - every inch the Jacobite Hero, painted by Peter McCarroll |
Patrick Sarsfield
although not a tactical genius, is known to have been an extremely brave and
inspiring officer. In such a small scenario as this he should have the highest
officer rating under the rules you use. Using Beneath the Lily Banners he
should be rated at Gifted which influences the percentage of troops which can
be moved in any given turn. He may move between units during the game. He adds
2 combat dice in any close combat. This is not usual for officers in BLB but
this is exceptional for this scenario.
John Lanier? A conversion from Warfare Miniatures' William III by Dave O'Brien |
Williamite commander during the pursuit may have been Lanier or Villiers one of the English cavalry commanders. In
fairness and to alleviate any charges of pro-Jacobite bias we shall give him
the option to be either Skillful or Inspirational on a 50% throw. This will
allow the Williamites to have at least 25% of their force moving every turn as
a minimum. The Williamite commander can add 1 combat dice in any close combat.
If either
leader is killed then a new leader is appointed and diced for using the normal
system for determining commander ability.
Other officer models
A fine officer with plenty of period flavour from Warfare Miniatures pack WLOA22 |
There are a
large proportion of extra officers in the game, one for every two squadrons. As
the squadrons all begin in pairs the officer is the commander of a pair. When
determining whether a squadron is in or out of command for morale purposes,
remember which officers are responsible for which squadrons.
Rapparee hunters - the fearsome Enniskillen dragoons |
The Rapparee bands
In the true
vein of unpredictability the Rapparees will offer further complications to the
scenario. Before the game begins throw a D6 for each band. This will determine
in which 2 foot square they begin the scenario. Score 1 - b , 2 - e , 3 - f , 4
- g , 5 - h , 6 – k. They both cannot start in the same square. Having diced
up, place them on the table. At the beginning of each turn throw a D6 for each
group. On turn 1 they activate on a score of 1. On turn 2 they activate on a
score of 1 or 2. This continues until the automatically activate on turn 6. Once activated throw a 50% dice for each
group. On an odds score they fight with the Jacobites. On an evens score they
are assumed to have cut a deal with the Williamites. It will be possible to
have one group on each side. They can shoot as two Foot stands but receive no
first volley modifiers at any point but do receive other appropriate positive
or negative modifiers. They fight move and fight as tribal infantry but cannot
charge mounted troops. They are not slowed or disordered by the woods. They are
classed as RAW.
Whose burning the gin? Warfare Miniatures Wagon WLOA940 |
The Wagon
The wagon is
the albatross for the fleet of foot Jacobites. It moves at a rate of 6 inches
with appropriate penalties for ascending the slope. It contains booty. It is defenceless
if contacted or charged by the enemy so must be protected at all times and will
slow the Jacobites down probably forcing them to retire. It can be guarded by a
Rapparee group.
You can find the rest of the articles in this series here!
You can find the rest of the articles in this series here!