The League of Augsburg

Redoubt redux

Set up for Scenario #2 The Guard's passage the lines.

Submerged deep in the man cave with literally a dozen box files of figures open at any one time I have been forensically exploring the wargaming options with redoubts for the Poltava series of pdfs which is now nearly complete. 

Although I have been gaming the Great Northern War for nearly thirty years, it is a long time since I gamed Poltava,...

Summer cheer.. pick up that Warfare Miniatures book you've been meaning to buy

17th century rules sets

The lockdown has had a very practical impact on Warfare Miniatures... our casters have stopped working during the self isolation period and consequently, with lots of games stuck at home and ordering figures, we've run out of stock of a huge number of items. This is very frustrating as can be imagined. Of course, the situation will be temporary but it is a king sized pain in...

Working in the man cave...

It is not the hot weather which has slowed down posting over the last couple of days. I have been hard at work on various separate projects - a long term, large slower burner which will begin to rear its head visually over the summer, writing work on the Naval rules based on play test feedback and an expansion of scope, the Helion title and the second series of PDF scenarios for 4Play and 4PlayX.


Warfare Miniatures Cossack Cavalry- a preview

Zaporozhian Cossack, 17th Century, unknown artist.

Following on from the recent preview of Tatar cavalry, the new mounted cossacks are nearing completion. Though obviously close to the Tatars in space and time Cossacks undoubtedly occupy a more prominent place in Western culture. Though not everyone you could meet would necessarily know who the cossacks are, most would have some vague notion that...

Warfare Miniatures Tatars - a preview

 Tatars- a preview.

Tatars fighting Swedish cavalry at Warsaw 1656, Lemke

As a follow on from the Ottoman Sipahis recently released, I've been hard at work on some Tatar cavalry. 
Though the idea to add them to the range was originally as a supplement to the Ottoman forces, they certainly can be considered to be an important power in their own right, being a major headache for the fledgeling Russian...

Just like the Elves....

OTC01 Ottoman cavalry officers
No! Don't turn away, I am NOT blogging about Fantasy models!
Just like Santa's elves I have been hidden away in my man cave working away on painting projects which required a bit of attention. 

OTC04 Ottoman Sipahis with right arm variants

So, here are some more of the completed Ottoman cavalry. I am starting with some finished code shots and a feature on the officer...

Bit of a clean up.. Ottoman cavalry go for production

It took a ong time to clean and inspect this lot!

This fantastic range has been dogged by little challenges along the way. Some related to design, some to production, others to me actually having enough time to undertake the fairly mammoth task of cleaning up 151 master castings of various shapes and sizes. In order to get good clean production castings a careful job in necessary in preparing...

Lucky connections or coincidence?

Not only did I get to sail across the very spots that Spragge, De Ruyter et al manouevred  and battled with their fleets in the 17th century, I managed to make several other tangible connections with my periods of interest during the annual sojourn to Antwerp.

Spanish Gate at Breda Castle.. some irony in the title - the Spaniards left a water gap in their defences

The girls wanted a stop off en...

Waving some flags! Ottoman, Holstein Gottorp, Brunswick, Celle

If you are into Ottoman flags or the smaller nations participating in the Great Northern Wars and War of the Spanish Succession look no further than eleven new flag sheets now available:

Here they are:

4 Ottoman sheets from my designs as seen here;

Holstein Gottorp Foot, Horse, Dragoons

Brunswick, Celle, Hanover - Foot and Horse

Find them all in the shop here:

Release of Danish battalion packs

 Regiment Prinds Georg or Jorgen

Regiment Jyske or Jutland

Our Danish figures have proved quietly popular. Like the Danes themselves, they have gotten on with it without too much fuss. For wargamers with a practical approach the Danish army during the period 1675-1720 is a great choice. It was almost continuously at war. It can fight in theatres from Ireland Hungary. It can take the field for its...

Wargames Illustrated primer on With Talon and Claw

This is another well produced video from WI walking through the new book in some detail. I didn't even know it existed till I found it by accident on YouTube!

With Talon and Claw in depth look from WI

WI is also running a couple of articles soon. One is a battle report from a game I ran for Dan Faulconbridge and Mark Shearwood (Hi Mark!). The second is a scenario for gaming the Battle of...

Wargames Illustrated walk through of With Talon and Claw game

Here is a link to a video I recorded with Dan behind the camera a couple of weeks back. Mark Shearwood played Dan in the game which will be featured in Wargames Illustrated in a forthcoming issue.

Wargames Illustrated - With Talon and Claw interview