The League of Augsburg

Easter Parade Day 1

Perhaps inappropriate that on the eve of such a Christian holiday, I am showcasing some Ottoman troops but, that is just the way the painting schedule has gone over the last few weeks. 

The enforced home stay has been fantastic news for my projects and here is day 1 of a four day run of Ottoman cavalry in their full tabletop glory.

I knew I was going to be pleased with these even before arranging...

Guest post: Gareth Lane's Scots-Dutch Brigade

George Ramsay's Regiment

The Scots-Dutch Brigade had a long and active service but is probably best remembered for its great defeat at the hands of Viscount Dundee's Highland army at Killiecrankie in 1689.

Hugh Mackay of Scourie's Regiment

That it was composed of and largely officered by experienced Scots officers is something occasionally yet deliberately overlooked by those intent on some Scots v...

Naval campaign part 2 preview

A nice day out at Ardnamurchan.... maybe not for some of these ships

With a little help from my friends.....

Dave and Colin came over last week to keep the campaign going. We played three cracking games with me going to pick up the fourth and fifth when I get a chance.

Make ready your guns! Tocht challenges Rochefoucauld at Duinkirk 1672

Scenario number 1 entitled 'King Louis's ships'takes place off...

Painting a 1/2400 scale ship model for the Anglo Dutch War period (1650-1700)

Quite a few people have been asking for a how to guide for painting, rigging and basing the 1/2400 scale Dutch Wars ships. So, here we are..

I have chosen a 4th rate model which costs £2.40.

The contents of a pack are laid out above. The 2mm thick, 20 x 40mm pill base does not come with the model I buy these from Warbasesin packs of 20. The price I don't recall but, it is less than £2 for that...

It's Saturday, I'll build a castle

I have several new scenarios coming up for the 17th century naval campaign. I needed something that resembled a Scottish castle. I thought - just a tower. Then, what about a tower on a rocky outcrop? Then that morphed into... maybe I could expand it to look like the stronghold of a clan chief with outbuildings etc.. yeah...

Now, how was I going to do that. Well, two cups of coffee, various rummages...

Sea, what I mean..

Some 1/2400 scale ships on the finished boards

Sea mats have been very useful so far in my naval adventures and some of them are actually pretty nice. I would however, feel a bit of a phoney if I used one in a demo game at a show. This piece is a short insight into an experiment in making sea boards as opposed to the river boards I am pretty comfortable in producing.

A Nine Years War battle in...

Walking through 17th century naval rules Part 2 - Hail Mary!

What will happen to the unlucky Eendraght?

The walk through of my evolving naval rules for the 1640-1700 period continues where we pick the action up at the beginning of Turn 4 with the Allies once more winning the initiative which allows them to move first or, compel the French to move.

By the firing step in T4 the Allies had manouevred ships into two opportunities. The first involves Eendraght,...

Walking through 17th century naval rules Part 1

Let me start by saying thanks to Neil Fox for helping me get onto this path in the first instance. He sent his Solebay Fast play sheets to me and I played many games with them to get a feel for the issues around naval gaming and in particular the period 1650-1700.

The Allied squadron in line astern

The more I played, the more I enjoyed, the more I tinkered. The new situations offered additional...

I bet you thought I'd abandoned this..

On the contrary my friends, or should that be Integendeel, mijn vrienden! It takes focus to get a substantial project finished and I had run out of gas with changing short term priorities after completing three of the four corners of this table during the late summer.

Aerial view of layout to get a feel for how it might build. I completed various buildings before attempting the gorundwork.

The most...

Guest Post: Alexey Kovshikov - GNW Swedish artillery

Some excellent photos of Swedish artillery from the collection of Russian enthusuast Alexey Kovshikov.

Alexey wanted me to point out that this outstanding work was done by painter Mikhail Mirosnik.

It shows both Warfare Miniatures and Ebob Miniatures sculpts together.

These blend very well and Mikhail has done an outstanding job in making each piece work.

Thanks for sharing Alexey.

Link to  Alexey's...

New in the shop from Warfare Miniatures

Some new stuff which can be found in the shop:

A Cossack unit equivalent to an infantry battalion. It contains three packs of Cossacks advancing (COS01) with musket and one Command pack (COS02).  Price is £31 ex postage. The flag is not included nor or are the bases.The unit pictured has 18 models but there are 20 models in the battalion pack.

Second up, I have a limited number of the excellent...

Dutch Fleet update and Medway 1667 mini campaign

To say I have been totally absorbed by my new obsession for 1/2400 scale 1650-1720 period ships would be the understatement of my hobby life time. Not since my Ost Front Microtanks phase of the late 1990s have I been this driven to finding information and being productive on an industrial scale.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th rates plus Fireship and Heoker - a cross section of my growing Dutch Fleet for the...