The League of Augsburg

Danish Grenadier Corps, 1710

Clarence Harrison - It's been a while since I've painted any Warfare Miniatures. I've been wanting to wander into the tricorn era of the period for some time, but there's always been 'just one more' project in the queue. Well, I finally decided to make a start of it!

While the Russians or Swedes are the obvious choice, the Danish army has always been a favorite of mine. My usual process when...

4Play quo vadis?

Firstly,  a big thank you to those who have bought some 4Play scenarios. They got off to a good start and I am happy with the response. Of course, the rub will be the play feedback but on format and content, they seem to have hit the mark.

With the first releases I wanted to try and avoid the common trap of re-hashing what is already out there in some form or another. By focusing on different...

Every bullet...

I was keeping my head down and quietly getting on with this but now it is out there I guess it's OK to mention it here.

I am working on a book for Helion which is a guide to wargaming the period from the 2nd Anglo Dutch War through to the Nine Years War. It is not a beginner's guide. It is an enthusiast's guide. I have tried to distill 30 years of digging in this patch of earth into something which...

MIA? Ma - ma!

I may have appeared missing in action over the last few days... not so. I have been using every spare hour to set up, play and photograph small games for a series of pdfs I hope to release within the next 3-4 weeks. This has already involved nine x 90 minute games since Sunday last, with each of them having to be written up as a scenario, photographed and AAR completed. All are based on research I...

Marlborough's Danes

Yes, I know. How could Warfare have produced such an important component of the armies of the period without me getting my act together and at least letting everyone see what they look like in battalions?
An unforgivable omission but as always I will trot out my 'one man team' excuse. Well, that and Ottomans, Wagonburgs, wee ships, Cossacks and the like.

Anyway at last I have some units of Danes to...

A wee taster.. With Talon and Claw.. news

Neil Roberts outstanding cover with some of Clarence's internal illos

The new Great Northern War supplement for Beneath the Lily Banners 3rd edition is called

With Talon and Claw

The reason? Eagles and lions with their talons and claws appear in almost all of the arms of the combatant nations of the Great Northern and Eastern Wars - Swedes, Danes, Saxons, Prussians, Poles, Imperialists and...

Breaking the surface.. news on the GNW supplement

Mass charge by Polish cavalry 1683

My snorkel has just broken the surface as I come up for air before submerging again into SALUTE 19 on Friday and Saturday.

Brunswick-Celle infantry 1690s

I have not been blogging with regularity over the last three weeks simply because I have snatched every waking hour to finish off the last photos for the new GNW supplement for Beneath the Lily Banners.

The shot...

Militia - all painted

various pikemen - Sedgemoor? Derry? Boston?

It took a while but I finally got the lot painted and Toggy did some too! This post is just to illustrate the potential of these beautiful models.

Armed wth scythes, polearms and short pikes - Raparees? Huguenots? Town mob?

I really enjoyed painting them - so easy.

The musketmen - each has 4 arm variants so multiply the horde by four and there is still no...

I've been waiting to tell you this for a long time...

Military coats and informal equipment

Back where it all began. A passionate interest in the wars between 1685 and 1721. No idea that I would become the owner of a figure company. Inheriting someone else's idea of how things should be done and trying to work with that whilst always wanting to move things in a slightly different direction. Picking up on ideas started by someone else which needed...

GNW Swedish units.. the long road since 1996

Foundry+ conversions + Dixons and Redoubt components - The Dal 1996.. sadly gone

I have a nice archive of my GNW efforts form the time when there was pretty much nothing available, through various iterations to now when I am pretty much writing my own ticket with GNW releases.. a kind of fantasy come true.

Plenty of conversion work Ducker's Dragoons 1997 - the cape is milliput - still have these


Barry's little Scanian War project part 5 ANATOMY OF A UNIT

A grand sight.... The Swedish LifeGuard of Horse 1678
The new set of Horse and Musket rules I am working on allow units of between 6 and 60 models to be deployed on the table. This offered the chance to create shapes not normally seen with smaller wargaming units.

4 x 6 model squadrons with characters attached
I decided to build a 24 model regiment of Horse with all 24 models being troopers without...

Barry's little Scanian War project part 4 SNO' FAIR

Swedish field gun and crew... not a common sight!
OK so perhaps I have taken this too far but I really enjoyed making snow for the 'Lund' period bases in the Scanian War project. For those non British-Scots (I think that's what we are now or is is Scoto- Brits?) the title of this post is a little play on Glaswegian.. SNO' FAIR is a version of it's no' fair or  it isnae fair meaning of course... it...